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Miloš Crnjanski
Službeni glasnik Beograd, 2022.
21 cm, 892 str.
tvrdi povez, latinica
ISBN: 9788651925033
"[Crnjanski's] work is linguistically innovative and profoundly moving. His last work, A Novel of London, encapsulates both aspects of his own experience and contemporary preoccupations with the fate of migrants across the world." \ David A. Norris \ \ \ "A powerful and enduringly relevant story of East–West migration and exile, (...) its meticulously evoked setting based on the author’s first-hand experience of London during and immediately after World War Two." \ Vesna Goldsworthy\ \ \ "While Crnjanski can be scathing and even cynical, the book is peppered with humor and quirky details that introduce levity and help create a nuanced expressionist collage." \ \ Will Firth