Knjiga je dodata u korpuBook added to your cart:
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Tihomir Levajac
Glas Srpski Banja Luka, 1999.
21 cm, 314 str.
tvrdi povez, latinica
ISBN: 8671191524
The work of Tihomir Levajac is characterized by a highly specific narrative form, dealing with the apocalypse of war and its chilling horror. Written in an unbiased manner, disguised as satire, this text is a painful reflection of the senselessness of war and hatred. The Vague Tribeurinal and other Tribeurnials of this world are entirely ignorant of the cruel, complex world depicted in this book, confused and confusing in many respects. It strikes one as morbidly grotesque, therefore, that stories should be put on trial for being allegedly guilty of all the horrors occurring in this infernal region.\ Gojko Tešić