Knjiga je dodata u korpuBook added to your cart:
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Frank Columbus
Nova Science Publishers Commack, NY, 1999.
26 cm, 275 str.
meki povez, latinica
ISBN: 1560727241
The World has recently witnessed a massive military action by the United States in the Balkans. This military action has been called a 'just war' by the White House machine. But was it 'just' or was it even a 'war'? Because the justification provided to the public for this military action seems so flimsy, numerous questions are being raised throughout the world including within the U.S. Weren't these Albanians, which Washington has adopted, Hitler's SS Storm Troopers in the Balkans during WW II while the Serbians were ferocious fighters against Hitler? What about the repressions going on every day in other countries? Why did the U.S. intervene only in Yugoslavia? This book examines various theories being raised both in the U.S. and other countries about the likely motivations behind this intervention. It also describes the Serbian people within the historical context. It examines in detail concerns in many other countries which are ignored by the power players in Washington and NATO. Finally it probes the question of whether the bombing of one sovereign country by another sets a precedent for future action by the U.S., or against it, and whether Clinton and Company may have stumbled into a sandbox too large for their staying power and set back foreign policy not only to the Cold War but to a new Frozen War.