Knjiga je dodata u korpuBook added to your cart:
Knjige u korpiBooks in your cart
UkupnoTotal: CAD
Aleksandar Miletić
Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije Beograd, 2009.
24 cm, 223 str.
meki povez, latinica
ISBN: 9788670050723
The government restrictions on inter-state migration imposed as a result of the violence of WWI had a considerable impact around the world. This monograph explores the local Yugoslav particularities of these changes by examining the administrative development of its emigration offices. The book covers the official and unofficial policies, institutional and extra-institutional frameworks, and is therefore able to address several related topics such as the state's hidden minority policy and the widespread corruption and misconduct in the administration of emigration procedures. It also includes one chapter dedicated specifically to the issue of state-facilitated surveillance over female emigration.